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Without Transformative Local Media, Our Communities Are Vulnerable

The future of our democracy requires a media system that speaks to people’s needs and serves those who are organizing for the safety and prosperity of their communities.

As we feel our way through the political haze following Donald Trump’s reelection to the White House, one underlying reality is clear: In the fight for control over our political system and economy, the ultrarich are winning — and they’re winning by a lot.

The day after the election, the 10 richest people in the world increased their wealth by roughly $64 billion, the largest daily increase since Bloomberg started tracking these figures in 2012. Meanwhile, more than 60 percent of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.

While working- and middle-class people struggle to pay rent or buy a home, private equity firms are snatching up houses and apartment buildings. While families turn to food stamps and parents are forced to skip meals, conglomerates like Kroger are raising grocery prices and reaping the profits.

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