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Nonprofit Ad campaign: Update the Guardrails; Fund Community Nonprofits

The Connecticut Community Nonprofit Alliance (Alliance) has launched a paid online, streaming video and social media campaign that urges lawmakers and the Governor to update the fiscal guardrails and increase spending on long under-funded community nonprofits.

The Connecticut Community Nonprofit Alliance (Alliance) has launched a paid online, streaming video and social media campaign that urges lawmakers and the Governor to update the fiscal guardrails and increase spending on long under-funded community nonprofits.

The video script urges elected officials to find a balance between saving money and funding vital programs:

“Connecticut’s tax revenues have exceeded budget needs for seven years. And more surpluses are projected, putting billions in state savings. But, community nonprofits, serving some of the neediest in our state, are underfunded and struggling. We can save money AND fund vital nonprofit programs.”

The ad further notes that a 2024 poll of Connecticut voters showed that 63 percent agree the state should use some of the surplus dollars to support nonprofit programs.

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